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1、三菱 三菱-IB(NA)-0800333E
[INSTALLATION PRECAUTION] CAUTION z Use the PLC in an environment that meets the general specifications contained in CPU module User's Manual to use. Using this PLC in an environment ou
2、三菱 三菱-IB(NA)-0800360E
4. Handling Precautions (1) Do not drop the module or subject it to heavy impact. (2) Do not remove the PCB of the module from its case. Doing so may cause the module to fail. (3) Prevent f
3、三菱 三菱-IB(NA)-0800361E
7 (1) For 2-wire transmitter input (2) For current input *1 Use a 2-core twisted shielded wire for the power wire. *2 Shows input resistance. *3 To connect with the 2-wire transmitter, be sure to
4、三菱 三菱-IB(NA)-0800387E
5 Signal name Terminal number Signal name Reserved B20 A20 Reserved CH1 Phase A pulse input - B19 A19 CH1 Phase A pulse input + CH1 Phase B pulse input - B18 A18 CH1 Phase B pulse input
5、三菱 三菱-IB(NA)-0800388E.pdf
[INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS] CAUTION Use the programmable controller in the environment conditions given in the general specifications in the User's Manual for the CPU module. Failure to do s
6、三菱 Intelligent 三菱-Intelligent Communication 模块 用户手册 (硬件) A1SD51S
[DESIGN PRECAUTIONS] DANGER z Do not write data to the "System Area" in the intelligent function module's buffer memory. Also, do not turn the output for signals for "Use Prohibited" si
7、三菱 Intelligent 三菱-Intelligent Communication 模块 用户手册 (硬件) A1SD51S
[DESIGN PRECAUTIONS] DANGER z Do not write data to the "System Area" in the intelligent function module's buffer memory. Also, do not turn the output for signals for "Use Prohibited" si
8、三菱 三菱-Loop Control 模块 用户手册 Q62HLCGX Configurator-TC(SW0D5C-QTCU-E)
! DANGER • Do not write data into the "read-only area" in the buffer memory of the intelligent function module. In addition, do not turn on/off the "reserved" signals among the I/O si
9、三菱 三菱-LR-AnN_AnA+AnU
10、三菱 三菱-LR-FX1S-FX1N
11、三菱 三菱-LR-Q2A(-S1)-Q3A-Q4A-Q4AR
12、三菱 M700V 三菱-M700V M70 系列 教学 手册
Note that even items ranked as " CAUTION", may lead to major results depending on the situation. In any case, important information that must always be observed is described. Not applicable in thi
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