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1、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QL Programming 手册 (Common 教学)
T. (2) The PRODUCT has been designed and manufactured for the purpose of being used in general industries. MITSUBISHI SHALL HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED T
2、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QL Programming 手册 (MELSAP-L)
• SAFETY CAUTIONS • (You must read these cautions before using the product.) When using the Mitsubishi Programmable Controller MELSEC-Q/L Series, thoroughly read the manua
3、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QL Programming 手册 (Structured Text)
• SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • (Always read these precautions before use) re using the MELSEC-Q series or MELSEC-L series PLC, thoroughly read the manuals attached to products and t
4、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QL Programming 手册 (Structured Text)
• SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • (Always read these precautions before use) re using the MELSEC-Q series or MELSEC-L series PLC, thoroughly read the manuals attached to products and t
5、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QL Structured Programming 手册 (Common 教学s)
CONDITIONS OF USE FOR THE PRODUCT (1) Mitsubishi programmable controller ("the PRODUCT") shall be used in conditions; i) where any problem, fault or failure occurring in the PRODUCT, if any,
6、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QL Structured Programming 手册 (Special 教学s)
• Railway companies or Public service purposes, and/or any other cases in which establishment of a special quality assurance system is required by the Purchaser or End User. • Ai
7、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QLF Structured Programming 手册 (Fundamentals)
• Nuclear Power Plants and any other power plants operated by Power companies, and/or any other cases in which the public could be affected if any problem or fault occurs in the PRODUCT.
8、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QLnA Programming 手册 (SFC)
GUIDELINES FOR the PRODUCT. ("Prohibited Application") Prohibited Applications include, but not limited to, the use of the PRODUCT in; y Nuclear Power Plants and any other power plants op
9、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-QLQnA Programming 手册 (PID Control 教学s)
[Design Precautions] ! WARNING • Configure safety circuits external to the programming controller to ensure that the entire system operates safely even when a fault occurs in
10、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-ST Analog-Digital Converter 模块 用户手册 ST1AD2-VST1AD2-I
DIN rail must be conductive; make sure to ground it prior to use. Failure to do so may cause electric shocks or malfunctions. Undertightening can cause a drop, short circuit or malfunction.
11、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-ST Digital-Analog Converter 模块 用户手册(CC-Link)ST1DA2-VST1DA2-V-F01ST1DA1-I ST1DA1-I-F01
[DESIGN PRECAUTIONS] DANGER Createan interlock circuit on the program so that the system will operate safely based on the communication status information. Failure to do so may cause an accide
12、三菱 MELSEC 三菱-MELSEC-ST Digital-Analog Converter 模块 用户手册(PROFIBUS-DP) ST1DA2-VST1DA2-V-F01ST1DA1-IST1DA1-I-F01
[DESIGN PRECAUTIONS] ! DANGER Using communication status information, create an interlock circuit on the programs so that the system will operate safely. Failure to do so may cause an a
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