请问Md.102 Deviation counter value
this area stores the difference between the feed present and the actual present value
the feed present value:指的是什么?记录的是电机编码器的反馈的脉冲值吗?
the actual present value:指的是什么?它是经过电子齿轮换算后的脉冲数吗?
另外Md.104 Motor current value :值的是什么值?
This area stores the present motor current value of the motor.
(Buffer memory 0.1) % (速度,电流,功率,???)
Re:续:QD75M偏差计数器理解 时间:2013/12/13 6:57:00
the feed present value是指令当前值
the actual present value是实际当前值,编码器反馈脉冲
Md.104 Motor current value 为实际马达当前值