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三菱 三菱-Structured Text (ST) Programming 指南 Book for L series

("Prohibited Application")
Prohibited Applications include, but not limited to, the use of the PRODUCT in;
y Nuclear Power Plants and any other power plants operated by Power companies, and/or any other
cases in which the public could be affected if any problem or fault occurs in the PRODUCT.
y Railway companies or Public service purposes, and/or any other cases in which establishment of a
special quality assurance system is required by the Purchaser or End User.
y Aircraft or Aerospace, Medical applications, Train equipment, transport equipment such as Elevator
and Escalator, Incineration and Fuel devices, Vehicles, Manned transportation, Equipment for
Recreation and Amusement, and Safety devices, handling of Nuclear or Hazardous Materials or
Chemicals, Mining and Drilling, and/or other applications where there is a significant risk of injury to
the public or property.

Notwithstanding the above, restrictions Mitsubishi may in its sole discretion, authorize use of the
GT15人机界面 GT1585-STBD
支架 GT15-70STAND
GT15人机界面 GT1585V-STBD
支架 GT05-50STAND
GT15人机界面 GT1575-STBA
GT15人机界面 GT1575V-STBD
GT15人机界面 GT1575V-STBA
支架 GT15-80STAND
GT15人机界面 GT1585-STBA
GT16触摸屏 GT1665M-STBA
GT15人机界面 GT1585V-STBA
端子排适配器 A1STA32
GT15人机界面 GT1575-STBD
GT16触摸屏 GT1675M-STBD
GT16触摸屏 GT1665M-STBD
支架 GT15-90STAND
GT16触摸屏 GT1685M-STBD
GT16触摸屏 GT1675M-STBA
模拟定时器模块 A1ST60
GT16触摸屏 GT1685M-STBA
三菱 三菱-Structured Text (ST) Programming 指南 Book for L series     三菱 三菱-Structured Text (ST) Programming 指南 Book for L series