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1、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-70STAND 用户 手册
1) Specify a screen according to the GOT (A975GOT, A970GOT, A960GOT) installed. As per the illustrations below, the screen with the larger internal opening identifies A975GOT or A970GOT and th
2、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-70STAND 用户 手册
1) Specify a screen according to the GOT (A975GOT, A970GOT, A960GOT) installed. As per the illustrations below, the screen with the larger internal opening identifies A975GOT or A970GOT and th
3、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-80R1 type RGB input interface 模块 用户 (硬件)
DANGER CAUTION z SAFETY PRECAUTIONS z (Always read before starting use) When using Mitsubishi equipment, thoroughly read this manual and the associated manuals introduced in the manual. Also
4、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-80STAND 用户手册
DANGER (Read these precautions prior to use.) When using Mitsubishi equipment, thoroughly read this manual and the associated manuals that are introduced in this manual. Also, pay careful
5、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-80STAND 用户手册
DANGER z z z z SAFETY PRECAUTIONS z z z z (Read these precautions prior to use.) When using Mitsubishi equipment, thoroughly read this manual and the associated manuals that are introduced in
6、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-80V4R1 Type VideoRGB Hybrid Interface 模块 用户手册 (硬件)
DANGER CAUTION ! SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ! (Always read before starting use) hen using Mitsubishi equipment, thoroughly read this manual and the ssociated manuals introduced in the manual. Also pa
7、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-BUS2SU type Multidrop Bus connection interface 用户手册
Thank you for purchasing the MELSEC-GOT Series. To ensure correct use of this equipment, please carefully read this manual prior to use. MODEL A9GT-BUS2SU-U MODEL CODE 1DM125 IB(NA)-0800077
8、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-BUS2SU type Multidrop Bus connection interface 用户手册
Thank you for purchasing the MELSEC-GOT Series. To ensure correct use of this equipment, please carefully read this manual prior to use. MODEL A9GT-BUS2SU-U MODEL CODE 1DM125 IB(NA)-0800077
9、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-BUSSU type Bus connection interface 模块 用户手册
[DESIGN PRECAUTIONS] DANGER z Do not bundle control lines or communication wires together with main circuit or power lines, or lay them close to these lines. As a guide, separate the lines
10、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-J71E71-T type Ethernet communication 模块 用户手册(硬件)
Depending on circumstances, procedures indicated by CAUTION may also be linked to serious results. In any case, it is important to follow the directions for usage. Store this manual in a sa
11、三菱 A9GTMEM 三菱-A9GTMEM-10MF20MF40MF Type Flash PC Card 用户手册
【取付け上の注意事項】 注意 ● 本ユニットは,GOT本体のユーザーズマニュアル記載の一般 仕様の環境で使用してください。 一般仕様の範囲以外の環境で使用すると,誤動作,製品の 損傷あるいは劣化の原因になります。 ● GOT本体にフラッシュPCカードを装着するときは,GOT装着 部に装着し,PCカードイジェクトボタンが完全に浮き上が るまで押し込んで
12、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-QBUS2S type Multidrop bus connection communication board 用户手册
ING 6) 3) 5) 73.7(2.9) 145.6 (5.73) 23.8 (0.94) 17.3 (0.68) 2) 1) 4) unit: mm (inch) No. Name Description 1) Bus connection cable connecting Interface Interface for c
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