8、三菱 FX2N 三菱-FX2N-2AD 用户指南
5.2 Power supply specification and others
5.3 Defining gain and offset
Item Content
Analog circuits 24V DC ±10% 50mA (Internal power supplied from the main unit)
Digital circuits 5V DC 20mA (
10、三菱 SH 三菱-SH(NA)-080644ENG
Do not bunch the control wires or communication cables with the main circuit or power wires, or
install them close to each other.
They should be installed 100 mm (3.94 inch) or more from each o
11、三菱 GX 三菱 GX Explorer Ver 2操作手册
· 安装时若出现询问是否确认覆盖各种DLL的信息时,应点击“是”覆盖DLL。若
· 使用本产品的版本升级产品(SW2DC-EXP-JV以后的产品)时,应在安装本产品前