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4、三菱 Supplementary 三菱-Supplementary Description for Q312B Main 基板 Unit
Supplementary Description for Q312B Main Base Unit BCN-P5626-A The base mounting hole and the base unit mounting screw are added. Use them when placing the model at the place wit
VCD-01 1 可编程控制器的历史 2 可编程控制器发展趋势 3 PLC的基本功能 4 PLC的特点 5 PLC的分类 6 PLC型号的命名方式以及FX2N系列 7 FX系列PLC的相关扩展设备 8 PLC的硬件组成 9 可编程控制器的软件系统和编程语言 10 可编程控制的工作原理及编程器件(一) VCD-02 1 可编程控制器的工作原理及编程器件(二) 2
6、三菱 ROFIBUS 三菱-PROFIBUS-DP Interface 模块 用户手册 QJ71PB92D_QJ71PB92V
[Design Precautions] ! WARNING • When a communication error occurs in the PROFIBUS-DP, the status of the faulty station is as follows. Configure an interlock circuit in the s
7、三菱-MELSEC-L 三菱-MELSEC-L CPU模块 用户手册(内置IO功能篇)
[设计注意事项] 警告 ● 应在可编程控制器外部设置一个安全电路,使外部供应电源异常或可编程控制器故障时能保证整个系 统的安全。否则可能导致误输出、误动作而引发事故。 (1)应在可编程控制器外部构建紧急停止电路、保护电路、正转 /反转等相反动作的互锁电路和上限 /下限定位开关等防止机械损坏的互锁电路。 (2)定位功能的机械原点回归控制时,根据原点回归方向及原点回归速度这
8、三菱 手册 三菱-手册_SH080118J
Please save this manual to make it accessible w hen required and always forward it to the end user. [PRECAUTION WHEN PERFORMING THE TEST OPERATION] ! CAUTION • Read the manual carefu
9、三菱 MELSECNET10 三菱-MELSECNET10 network 模块 type 用户手册 ( 硬件 )
CAUTION z Always connect the FG terminals to the ground using class D (class 3) or higher grounding exclusively designed for programmable controller. z When connecting cables to the termi
10、三菱 MELSECNET10 三菱-MELSECNET10 network 模块 type 用户手册 (硬件)
Compliance with the EMC Directive and the Low Voltage Directive When incorporating the Mitsubishi programmable controller into other industrial machinery or equipment and keeping complia
11、三菱 Positioning 三菱-Positioning 模块 type A1SD71-S7 用户手册
CAUTION Use the PLC in an environment that meets the general specifications contained in this manual. Using this PLC in an environment outside the range of the general specifications could resu
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